Famous Blue Mountain Rootstock
A Large Global Presence
Each Cup Helps Change Lives
Shade-grown 5000 feet above sea level
Over six plantations of the Western Highlands & Jiwaka Provinces, Carpenter Estates cultivates and harvests coffee to produce over 5000 tonnes of ‘green beans’ yearly for direct export worldwide to countries such as USA, Germany, Australia, Japan, France, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Belgium, Singapore, Canada, New Zealand, Korea, United Kingdom, Taiwan, Fiji & Malaysia.
All our coffee plantings are exclusively Arabica, concentrating on the Typica varieties, which originated from seeds introduced to Papua New Guinea from the well-known Jamaica Blue Mountain rootstock. Using two varieties of trees, the plantation employs a medium density shade strategy. Shade-grown coffee promotes even ripening of coffee cherries and provides habitat for at least 90 species of birds on the estates, resulting in our Bird-Friendly status.
Shade-grown 5000 feet above sea level
Over six plantations of the Western Highlands & Jiwaka Provinces, Carpenter Estates cultivates and harvests coffee to produce over 5000 tonnes of ‘green beans’ yearly for direct export worldwide to countries such as USA, Germany, Australia, Japan, France, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Belgium, Singapore, Canada, New Zealand, Korea, United Kingdom, Taiwan, Fiji & Malaysia.
All our coffee plantings are exclusively Arabica, concentrating on the Typica varieties, which originated from seeds introduced to Papua New Guinea from the well-known Jamaica Blue Mountain rootstock. Using two varieties of trees, the plantation employs a medium density shade strategy. Shade-grown coffee promotes even ripening of coffee cherries and provides habitat for at least 90 species of birds on the estates, resulting in our Bird-Friendly status.
The WR Carpenter Estates Coffee Plantations
Every year, Carpenter Estates harvests over 3000 hectares of coffee ‘cherry’, which undergoes a vigorous wet factory process at the plantation’s wet mill. All growing and processing practices follow a system, which has been thoroughly proven over many years, and insisting on the highest standards and quality at every stage.
Our quality control begins in the field, where the coffee cherries are hand-picked and meticulously examined for uniformity. Our cherries must always be bright red and fully ripe to have the perfect balance of sugar and acidity within the fruit. At the wet mill, floaters and damaged cherries are removed prior to pulping and thereafter ripe cherry is pulped on the same day of harvest. After which what is now called ‘parchment’ undergoes the three day fermentation process, broken every 24 hours by washing, which creates a superior blend. After washing, parchment beans are carefully sundried prior to sorting, packing and exporting.
- Sigri
- Kindeng
- Bunum-Wo
- Kudjip
- Kigabah
- Aviamp
The WR Carpenter Estates Coffee Plantations
Every year, Carpenter Estates harvests over 3000 hectares of coffee ‘cherry’, which undergoes a vigorous wet factory process at the plantation’s wet mill. All growing and processing practices follow a system, which has been thoroughly proven over many years, and insisting on the highest standards and quality at every stage.
Our quality control begins in the field, where the coffee cherries are hand-picked and meticulously examined for uniformity. Our cherries must always be bright red and fully ripe to have the perfect balance of sugar and acidity within the fruit. At the wet mill, floaters and damaged cherries are removed prior to pulping and thereafter ripe cherry is pulped on the same day of harvest. After which what is now called ‘parchment’ undergoes the three day fermentation process, broken every 24 hours by washing, which creates a superior blend. After washing, parchment beans are carefully sundried prior to sorting, packing and exporting.
- Sigri
- Kindeng
- Bunum-Wo
- Kudjip
- Kigabah
- Aviamp
- Location
- Soil
- Elevation
- Main Harvest
- Area
- Processing
- Varieties
- Cup
Welcome to our Estates

- Sigri Coffee Estate is located in Waghi Valley of Jiwaka Province, very close to Banz town in Papua New Guinea. This estate was planted in 1950’s by Tom Cole – a Coffee planter and Crocodile Hunter.
- 5,000 feet above sea level.
- Sigri plantation is 125 ha area with additional 3 ha proposed to be added this year with a super specialty variety known as Big Red/Maragogype. This jumbo variety was discovered in Sigri estate in 2014.
- Typica, Arusha, Caribbean Blue 84% , Catimor 8%, Maragogype 8%
- Volcanic soils
- April to September. All cherry is wet processed.
- A Unique WRC Pulping process, followed by fermentation and washing is done to strict standards . Water from the close-by Wara Aiyne keeps this wet processing factory operational. Tiled vats guarantee top fermentation hygiene is ensured . Washing finishes the wet processing.10-14 days of sun-drying is done to dry coffee to desired moisture levels. Conditioning and dry processing happens with strict quality control system all through from farming to dispatch stages. The World Famous Sigri mill dry mills the coffee to award winning standards. The top-end colour sorting machines are used to reject majority of the defects and even those imperfections caused by impact of environmental change and other natural reasons. Final rounds of hand-sorting is done by experienced hand sorters which makes our coffee among the world’s finest across all export origins.
- Smooth, balanced, medium bodied, complex flavour, tropical fruits, chocolate, sometimes spicy notes, nice lemony acidity.

- Bunum Wo Coffee Estate is located in Waghi Valley of Jiwaka Province, closer to Banz town in Papua New Guinea. This estate was a large tea estate now fully converted to coffee over the past 5 years.
- 5,000 feet above sea level.
- Bunum Wo plantation is 457 ha area with additional 15 ha proposed to be added this year with a super specialty variety known as Big Red/Maragogype. This jumbo variety was discovered in Sigri estate in 2014.
- Typica, Arusha, Caribbean Blue, Mundonovo, Bourbon 60% , Catimor 39%, Maragogype 1%
- Volcanic soils
- April to September. All cherry is wet processed.
- A Unique to WRC Pulping, followed by fermentation and washing is done according to strict standards . Water from the nearby by Bunum Wo river is the source for this wet factory processing. Tiled vats guarantee top fermentation hygiene is ensured . Washing finishes the wet processing stage.10-14 days of sun-drying is done to dry coffee to desired moisture levels.Conditioning and dry milling occurs with strict quality control procedure all through from farming to despatch stages.Bunum Wo dry mills the coffee to award winning standards. An automated color sorter is used to remove the defects and our centralized warehousing facilities are located in Bunum Wo estates.
- Smooth, balanced, medium bodied, complex flavour, many tropical fruits, chocolate, bright orange acidity. The PB grades of Bunum Wo have unique and better cup profile when compared to PB from other estates due to microclimate and weather factors.

- Kindeng Coffee Estate is located in Waghi Valley of Jiwaka Province in Papua New Guinea.
- 5,000 feet above sea level.
- Kindeng plantation is 351 ha area with additional 90 ha being added this year with a super specialty variety known as Big Red/Maragogype.
- Typica, Arusha, Bourbon 90% , Catimor 9%, Maragogype 1%
- Volcanic soils
- April to September. All cherry is wet processed.
- A unique to Papua New Guinea process is followed in the country’s biggest wet processing facility. This processing plant has modern Pinhalense Wet pulpers that has 20 patents on these machines. Just the best ripe and fully ripe get pulped in Pinhalense framework with the semi-ripe or looking red but yet unripe inside are isolated by a green coffee separator. This is pulped by a separate wet line as ‘seconds’.This enables to offer the best of PNG Coffees to quality discerning clients. Pulping followed by fermentation in tiled vats and washing is done according to strict gauges . Water from the mighty Waghi River keeps this wet factory operational lasting all through the year. Be that as it may, Pinhalense pulpers have decreased the handling water prerequisite by half. There are Pinhalense mechanical washers installed yet utilized sparingly and only after natural fermentation is finished.
10-14 days of sun-drying is done to dry coffee to desired moisture levels.
Conditioning and dry milling occurs with strict quality control procedure all through from farming to despatch stages.
- Smooth, balanced, good bodied, sometimes syrupy, good flavour, aroma, nice juicy acidity.

- Kigabah Coffee Estate is located in Waghi Valley of Jiwaka Province in Papua New Guinea.
- 5,000 feet above sea level.
- Kigabah plantation is 104 ha area.
- Typica 50% and Catimor 50%
- Volcanic soils
- April to September. All cherry is wet processed.
- One of a kind WRC process is followed. Pulping, followed by a multi-day wash and soaking. The close-by stream is from a mountain spring thus the coffee is processed in crisp spring water which is perfectly clear. This adds to an exclusive processing benefits.10-14 days of sun-drying is done to dry coffee to desired moisture levels.
- Smooth, medium bodied, good flavour, aroma, nice lemon acidity.